Ambrosia Software, Inc. is a small company dedicated to bringing you quality software, excellent support, and innovative ideas all at a reasonable cost. We give you commercial-quality software at a fraction of the price, with the added convenience of being able to try out the software before you pay for it.
Ambrosia distributes software on numerous electronic information services, as well as via user groups, and approved public domain distributors. Of course, you can always obtain our products directly from us as well. You are given a 30 day free license to evaluate any of our software; after the 30 days have passed, you are expected to send the appropriate registration fee to us for processing.
Each Ambrosia Software product has an integrated registration system that allows you to easily register the product a number of ways: cash/check/money order/credit card via US mail, credit card via fax, or credit card via eMail. Simply launch the Ambrosia Software product you are interested in registering, and click on the Register... button in the splash screen that appears. You’ll be painlessly lead through the registration system.
Ambrosia Software, Inc. also has a toll free order line. If you wish to purchase any of our products, you can use your Visa or Mastercard and call 800.231.1816. If you are calling outside the US/Canada region, or need technical assistance, please call 716.325.1910.
We will process your order right over the phone, and give you a license code immediately. We will also take orders for sending disks with the Ambrosia Software products you are interested in, so that you can try them out and decide if you would like to purchase them (see below for more information).
After we have processed your registration, you will receive a license code that you enter to complete the registration process. This code removes the shareware notices and personalizes your copy of the product.
To enter your license code, simply double-click on the Ambrosia Software product for which you have purchased a license. A shareware notice will come up on the screen, with a few buttons along the bottom. To enter your license code, click on the Enter Code... button, and make sure you enter all of the license information exactly as it is shown. That’s all there is to it.
Ambrosia Software, Inc. maintains support forums on several major electronic information services. In these forums, you can always find the latest versions of our software products, ask technical support questions, and get our free electronic newsletter The Ambrosia Times.
If you subscribe to any of the following information services, please feel free to drop by and visit us:
America Online: While you are signed on AOL, choose Keyword... from the GO TO menu, type AMBROSIA and hit the return key.
eWorld: While you are signed on eWorld, choose Go to Shortcut... from the PLACES menu, type AMBROSIA and hit the return key.
CompuServe: While you are signed on CompuServe, use GO word AMBROSIA to reach the Mac Vender D area, where Ambrosia Software, Inc. maintains a forum.
Internet: Ambrosia Software’s products can be found at the “” or “” FTP sites. Contact us for complete Internet paths to our products. A list of mirrors are also available.
If you’d like to obtain any of our products directly from us, we will send the products to you on disk for a $5.00 shipping & handling charge. You may place your order by indicating the name of the programs you are interested in, and sending us a check via US mail, by faxing us your credit card number & expiration date, sending us your credit card number & expiration date via electronic mail, or by calling our toll free order line.
If you are interested in site licensing, have a problem or have a question, please feel free to get in touch.
Apeiron is the latest contribution from Ambrosia’s resident Macintosh wizard, Andrew Welch, to Ambrosia’s growing entertainment collection. In a four Apple review, Mac Home Journal says: “...if you like fast paced arcade action, you’re going to want this.”
During a port through the looking glass, the mirror shatters and your ethereal energy (you know, the stuff that allows you to get up and go to work on a Monday morning...) is trapped within one of the crystal shards. Immediately, the residents of the mushroom patch sense your presence. Led by the Pentipede, this motley crew of mushroom patch misfits relentlessly hunt the crystal ( You! ), intent upon sucking out the trapped energy. The Pentipede is a sinister creature that has the ability to divide. So, if you think your troubles are over when you shoot this sneakered psycho once, you are twice as wrong.
The Pentipede is joined by a ruthless assortment of animated killers, and your situation is further complicated by a few unpleasant “environmental” hazards.
Luckily you are not defenseless; with plasma cannon blazing, you must hold out as long as possible. Shooting certain mushrooms can be very beneficial to your mission. Several power up coins are scattered throughout the garden. Find one of these and you can teach the Pentipede and his pals the meaning of “full auto.”
Inside Mac Games sums it up by saying “Apeiron’s astounding graphics and sound coupled with its captivating gameplay make it a joy to play and a worthy successor to a classic such as Maelstrom.”
Price: $15.00
Requires: 256 Color Screen, 13" or Greater
Big Cheese Key
Version 1.2.1
In today’s busy world, privacy is often a scarce commodity. Chances are your monitor acts as a billboard, advertising to whoever drops by exactly what you’re doing. This can be awkward in a number of situations. You don’t want the boss seeing you play Maelstrom, and he doesn’t want you to see him writing your next performance review. Getting caught designing an anniversary card ruins the surprise, and having that special someone look over your shoulder while you enter that check for your new PowerBook into Quicken can ruin the anniversary. For moments such as these, you need the Big Cheese Key.
Big Cheese Key preserves your privacy (and maybe your job) with one quick keystroke. Hit your personalized Big Cheese Key and whatever is on your screen freezes and hides behind a phony Mac screen. Poof! Gone like magic. Your information (or high score) is now safe from prying eyes. As soon as the coast is clear, a simple mouse click instantly brings you back to where you were, your screen security and privacy intact. It doesn’t matter if you’re balancing a spreadsheet or hammering space rocks; Big Cheese Key saves the day.
Big Cheese Key’s low shareware registration is a small price to pay for peace of mind. Ambrosia Software understands the importance of confidentiality and taking an occasional break from the rat race. Big Cheese Key is the one product that helps you in both of these areas.
Price: $10.00
Requires: Any Macintosh
Version 1.0.1
Webster defines Chiral as “a kind of symmetry found in atomic particles that is not superimposable on its mirror image.” Ambrosia redefines this dry scientific adjective with a mind melter of a puzzle game.
MacUser awarded this new definition of fun with their Shareware of the Year Award for 1994. MacWeek says “With the release of Chiral, Ambrosia is breaking its creative bonds...With repeated play comes an appreciation of the subtle beauty and elegant sophistication of its design.” Inside Mac Games calls Chiral “a uniquely creative action-strategy game that is just as much fun to watch as it is to play.”
Chiral is a fusion between the scientific concept of atomic bonding and the addictive game play of Tetris‚Ñ¢. Players are challenged to form bonds between atoms to create inert molecules before the atoms overflow from a vial. Points are scored by the complexity of the molecular pattern and the speed with which it is assembled. Not to worry, a doctorate in atomic chemistry is not needed; an interactive tutorial, Chiral Basics, is included with the package. Chiral has six separate difficulty settings and twenty four levels of puzzling play, for a grand total of 144 screens of mind-boggling fun and excitement.
This mind-testing Ambrosia program is the fruit of a collaboration between Macintosh developer Trevor Powell and Ambrosia Software’s prolific founder Andrew Welch. Chiral is a combination of high resolution 256 color graphics, funky digitized sound effects, and addictively puzzling game play.
Price: $15.00
Requires: 256 Color Screen
Version 2.3.0
Your Macintosh computer provides an easy way to accomplish complicated tasks. Ambrosia’s #1 selling utility, ColorSwitch, takes this one step farther. Have you ever tried to adjust the color depth of your monitor? Some programs require certain depths to run properly. Also, your Mac’s processing speed is accelerated by down shifting to a lower color depth. Rooting around in your System folder for your Monitors control panel quickly becomes tiresome, especially when you have to do it often.
ColorSwitch reduces this to a simple three step procedure:
1.) Click on the ColorSwitch icon on your menu bar.
2.) Select the desired color depth.
3.) Sit back and smile at how simple life has become.
ColorSwitch fans can’t say enough about the usefulness of this powerful tool. Ross Buck of Westport Connecticut says: “When you demo as many programs as I do, each in a different color mode, ColorSwitch makes the transitions as seamless as possible. Thanks.”
Volume control is an added bonus. You can instantly change the sound volume from ColorSwitch’s pull down menu. Even muting your Mac is possible, which is very important when the phone rings. No more explaining what those “quacks” are to folks on the other end of the line. This added feature alone justifies ColorSwitch’s low $10 shareware fee.
Simplifying such a common task will free up valuable time. ColorSwitch blends in so well that you will never know you have it until you need it. Everyone loves a shortcut, especially one that works as smoothly as ColorSwitch.
Price: $10.00
Requires: Any Color-Capable Macintosh
Easy Envelopes Plus
Version 2.6.0
Word processors create great documents — but when it comes to printing individual envelopes, things get a little more complicated. Label printing programs are functional, but Mom probably won’t appreciate a computer label on her birthday card. This is where Easy Envelopes Plus steps in.
Simple to use and inexpensive, Easy Envelopes acts as an electronic address book and envelope printer. Easy Envelopes stores thousands of names, addresses, and phone numbers, which are all easily retrievable and printable on demand. Easy Envelopes provides the same style and font options available on today’s word processors. These powerful editing options give your correspondence a clear, crisp, professional yet personalized look.
With the built in word search function, Easy Envelopes Plus doubles as an electronic phone book. In the notes field you’re able to jot down phone numbers, important dates, and other handy information. Now all of your contact information is just a few keystrokes away.
Easy Envelopes Plus automatically installs itself in your Apple Menu Items folder, making it easily accessible even when using other programs. This enables you to copy and paste addresses or information directly from other documents into Easy Envelopes. After a one time set up, Easy Envelopes is ready to go; making tedious reconfigurations unnecessary.
Easy Envelopes Plus embraces the Macintosh spirit: providing a simpler way to achieve better results.
Price: $15.00
Requires: Any Macintosh
Version 2.2.0
One of the fun things about owning a Macintosh is the ability to personalize your computer. Your Mac really becomes your Mac. Eclipse — Ambrosia’s low memory, low cost screensaver — helps you personalize your Mac while at the same time fulfilling an important function.
Screensavers prevent burn in damage, which may result if the same image is left in the same place too long. Next to your processor, your display is probably the most important part of your system. This is an investment well worth protecting.
What sets Eclipse apart from most commercial screen savers besides the price? Memory, that all important commodity when it comes to today’s computers. Advances in software are requiring more and more memory to store and execute programs. Most commercial screensavers display animation: little fishies or flying kitchen appliances. Although cute in nature, such programs are notorious memory hogs. Eclipse displays a floating still graphic of your choice; whatever you can get into your computer, Eclipse can display. It’s as simple as copy and paste.
In Clock mode, a useful alternative, Eclipse will float the current time around the screen using a font and size you select.
Rob Burger, of Orlando Florida, describes Eclipse as: “The perfect screensaver. Compact, useful, and non-intrusive.” Eclipse is the smart choice for an inexpensive, memory-conserving screensaver.
Price: $10.00
Requires: Any Macintosh
FlashWrite ][
Version 1.1.0
FlashWrite ][ is Ambrosia Software’s supercharged notepad utility. Your Mac’s Operating System includes a notepad utility, but its capabilities are severely limited. FlashWrite breaks free of these limitations, providing you with a powerful tool that is simple to use.
FlashWrite is the notepad of choice of Mac professionals; “No matter how many word processing programs you know and use, you’ll always need a notepad DA. We use FlashWrite.” — The Mac Shareware 500.
A notepad utility serves the same purpose as a paper scratch pad. Sometimes you just want to jot something down. The more important the note, the more likely it is that the piece of paper will disappear (Murphy’s Law #739). FlashWrite becomes one with your Mac, embedding itself under your Apple menu. You’ll always know where to look for your notes.
Equipped with many of the options found in full-blown word processors, FlashWrite’s functionality better enables you to organize your thoughts. With FlashWrite’s built in word search function, you’re always able to find what you’re looking for in a flash.
When it comes to printing, FlashWrite offers a full range of output options. Print out your entire note collection, or just that single important page. Page formatting allows you to tell FlashWrite exactly how you want things to look.
FlashWrite picks up where your operating system left off. For $15 you can upgrade an important component of your Macintosh.
Price: $15.00
Requires: Any Macintosh
Version 1.4.1
This Macintosh classic is what put Ambrosia on the map as the leading Macintosh shareware publisher. Maelstrom has received a four mice rating from Macworld, the MacUser 1993 Best Shareware Game award, and the Shareware Industry Award for best game. Maelstrom also took first place in the 1994 Mac Home Journal Reader’s Choice Awards.
The dreaded Maelstrom is a dangerous asteroid belt within which you must skillfully pilot your spacecraft.
Animated space debris races toward you from all points of the compass. All that you have to protect you are your shields, razor-sharp reflexes, and an itchy trigger finger. You must blast the asteroids before they crush your tiny ship like a tin can. Use your shield for close calls, but be sure to spend your shield energy wisely; you will always need it later. You also must defend yourself from evil Shenobi fighters that weave their way through the asteroids. These tough little fighters will fight you toe-to-toe — don’t let their size fool you.
Luckily, during your travels you will encounter a variety of objects that will help with your mission. First aid cannisters can give you alternate weapon systems, more shield energy, or better manuever-ability. Having your plasma cannon set on full auto can really pull you out of a tight spot or two.
With detailed color animation, four channels of digital sound, and smooth game play, Maelstrom takes full advantage of the Macintosh’s multi-media capabilities. All the game needs is someone with guts and a thirst for glory in the pilot’s seat.
Price: $15.00
Requires: Any Color-Capable Macintosh
Version 2.1.0
Need a little encouragement at the start of each day? How about a helpful tidbit of useful wisdom when you first sit down with your Mac? With Oracle, Ambrosia brings a valuable source of advice right to your Macintosh. Oracle, a Control Panel that is placed into your System Folder, presents you with a random thoughtful quotation each time you start up your computer.
Oracle has a library of over one thousand individual profound readings — almost three years worth of thoughtful insight. With Oracle you become a Mac “guru” of a different sort.
Starting the day with a little bit of insight can really make a difference; Oracle users agree: “Some neat little comments in this program — makes you think that little bit deeper and kick the brain into ‘let’s do some work’ mode!” — Dugald Holmes, Epsom, England
Similar to fortune cookies, each nugget of wisdom is general enough to be applied to a wide variety of circumstances. At the same time, each Oracle verse provides advice that can be acted on, not just philosophical feel-good band aids. With Oracle’s printing capabilities you can print out any quotations that you find of particular interest. Post them as a reminder, or pass them along to friends. Wisdom is meant to be shared.
With the wide variety of challenges that one encounters each day, some helpful advice is always welcome. With Oracle’s help, your Macintosh can be the source of that guidance.
Price: $10.00
Requires: Any Macintosh
Version 1.0.0
Snapz is the big game hunter of screen capture programs: it’ll capture the wild ones for you. No image is too fast, too tricky, or too large. Snapz captures them all: startup icons, pull down menus, games in the thick of the action, animation, video... not even your screen saver displays are safe. MacWeek says Snapz “ the first screen-capture utility that can grab on-screen activities, such as the march of start-up icons and zooming rectangles.” Macworld magazine calls Snapz the screen capture utility that “...can ride to your rescue.”
Snapz is the professional’s screen capture tool. All of the screenshots in this brochure were captured with Snapz. The ability to take screen shots of a program in action, whether it be a spreadsheet or a flight simulator, allows reviewers and manual writers to capture the specific features of a program that they want to highlight.
Snapz offers 16 different PICT file types to choose from, so the captured image is ready to be edited in your program of choice. Utilizing the functionality of System 7’s Apple Menu Items folder, Snapz stores your captured images in a special Screen Snapz folder that is easily accessible from the Apple menu. This keeps the screen captures organized and easily reached. No more searching through your hard drive for lost images.
Besides PICT file types, Snapz also allows you to customize the hot-key used to grab your images. Snapz provides the power, organization, and flexibility that today’s busy Macintosh professional needs.
Price: $15.00
Requires: Any Color-Capable Macintosh
Version 1.0.1
Developed by David Wareing, of Adelaide, Australia, Swoop is an arcade classic combining pulse-quickening game play with state of the art computer animation and audio effects. Smooth flowing action, detailed full color graphics, and custom sound effects all provide for exciting game play. The only thing missing is the cash box in which to pump your coins.
Since the dawn of time, good people have always fought the iron glove of oppression. Never before has the fight been so desperate; never before have the stakes been so high. This time the fight is not over politics, religion, or territory. For now, the very survival of the human race hangs in the balance. The Swoopers have come.
The Swoopers — a sinister race of aliens from a distant quadrant of another galaxy — have targeted earth for destruction. Alien agents have disabled the Earth’s sophisticated defense systems, leaving the home planet virtually unprotected. The only thing that stands between the hungry Swooper legions and their goal is you and your trusty George Pal class fighter ship. Alone, against all odds, you must fight off the invading horde.
Although the situation is desperate, you are well prepared for the challenge. An experienced veteran of the Shenobi Wars in the distant Maelstrom system, you have already proven your skills as a warrior. The George Pal fighter is a well-equipped weapons platform, having a variety of offensive and defensive systems that can be activated. Although your ship is capable, you must rely more on your skill, courage, and perseverance to fight off the host of Swoopers.
Price: $15.00
Requires: 256 color screen, 13" or greater
To Do!
Version 3.2.1
To Do! is Ambrosia’s friendly little Personal Information Manager (PIM). For many of us, the day is just too short to accomplish all that needs doing. To Do! helps you organize tasks, enabling you to milk the most out of your day. Some PIM’s are clunky and difficult to use, but not To Do!. Updating your chore list shouldn’t be a chore in itself.
To Do! has been well received by the Macintosh community. Mac Shareware 500 says: “There’s not a whole lot to learn if you want to use To Do!, which is a testament to the simplicity of this handy DA.” ZiffNet calls To Do! an “Attractive, well-designed program.” We think you’ll like it too.
Using a traditional outline format, To Do! organizes information in an easily understandable manner. Enter as many different topics and subtopics as you like. Both topics and subtopics can include extensive notes. To Do! displays your list by topic or by priority.
Check boxes provide a visual way to keep track of your progress. A long list seems less daunting if it shows what has already been accomplished. On the go? To Do!’s printing capability lets you take your full list or any part of it along with you.
To Do! is always readily available from your Apple menu, making it easy to update the list. To Do!’s low registration fee is an investment that allows you to better manage your valuable time.